Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 3

15/01/11 Sewing
I've long term borrowed a sewing machine. I made cushion covers, of which I'm disproportionately proud.

16/01/11 Beer Envy
Not drinking in January seemed like a good idea. Until now.

17/01/11 RPS Battle
Walking through Cuba Mall, when something VERY yellow caught my eye. Nice.

 18/01/11 Movies
An evening at the movies, pre-show obviously taking photos during would be pretty annoying.

 19/01/11 Lunch at Cuckoo
What happens when two people both trying to take a photo a day are in the same place?

 20/01/11 The Black Keys
Not how I intended on hearing them tonight. Sad face

21/1/11 Camera Fail 
Yesterday my camera completely died, & so to not miss a day I turned to my workmate, borrowed his iphone & took a photo of the chickens that have been on my desk since last easter. Not amazing.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week two

Monty. A week without a cat photo was quite the achievement.
Self portrait, featuring Christmas nail polish
Lunch in all it's colourful goodness
Lunchtime button shopping mission, use TBC. 
Dinner with my sister & her family
Babysitting three nephews, Jake was meant to be sleeping...
Museum Hotel & an amazing day in the city.

Week One

Driving back the New Years camping trip through the Manawatu, stopped to check out the wind farm. 
The sun sets over the South Island, view from Wellington
Random guy jumping into Welly harbour
Post first run of the week/year
Back to work, the coffee machine is a loyal friend
Seems unlikely anyone'd want to swim today
Kate on grass